Data Marketplaces with Blockchain Superpowers

Use Ocean Market to publish data, stake on data (curate), and buy data.
Earn by selling, staking, or running your own fork of Ocean Market. Data has automatic price discovery. Data is published as interoperable ERC20 datatokens. Compute-to-data enables private data to be bought & sold. It's a decentralized exchange (DEX), tuned for data.


Earn by selling, staking, or running your own fork of Ocean Market. Data has automatic price discovery. Data is published as interoperable ERC20 datatokens. Compute-to-data enables private data to be bought & sold. It's a decentralized exchange (DEX), tuned for data.

Automated price discovery

A given data asset's AMM pool holds both OCEAN and the datatoken as liquidity. Price is based on the ratio of OCEAN tokens versus datatokens in the pool. If datatokens are sold, then more OCEAN enters and datatokens leave, so datatoken price goes up. If more datatokens enter or OCEAN leaves, then datatoken price goes down.


Ocean-powered markets publish, buy, sell, and consume datatokens, which are ERC20. Therefore you can publish a datatoken in Ocean Market, store it in Metamask, transfer it to a DAO, and perform other DeFi operations. Money legos x datatokens = data legos.


Ocean Compute-to-Data allows private data to be bought & sold while preserving control and privacy of the data.

Universal login

Universal login via your Web3 wallet. No further password or account management needed.

How It Works

Ocean-powered data markets combine the building blocks of ERC20 datatokens, OCEAN-datatoken AMM pools, and Compute-to-Data for earning opportunities, automated price discovery, interoperability, privacy, and more.

Innovation & Growth

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